Tuesday, October 14, 2008


Oh, where's that handy carbon monoxide leak when a girl needed it?

After my boss quit by mid April, my workload considerably reduced.
However, in June, a huge project was thrust onto my head, by none other than - me, myself. Finished 1/4 of it in 2months, durin which, I read 10 M&Bs while at work. It ended with a showdown between me & my colleague - Indian Vs Egyptian, chaired by Syrian Lebanese, which I won neatly.
Sometime in August, I bought a mobile solely for its 5mp camera & handwriting recognition features. The salesman baited me with a 30kd(5100rs) gift voucher, which turned out to be full of worthless, ridiculously priced items!! There would've been blood that night if my man friday hadnt chickened out & a lawyer wouldve been rich if my man hadnt rushed off straight home!!
Back when a hoe was Hoe
Coke was a Coke
The IPL cricket match in June'08, where Dhoni was the captain of my favorite place - Chennai - but apart from the game & unbelievable oppurtunities for the youngsters, there was also the financial side of it... Y DO THEY HAVE TO BE PAID SO MUCH? thats us commoners hard workin money they are dishin out as gifts! They dont need free airtickets, their pay checks can cover even a space trip for their entire clan to pluto (oh sorry, thats not a planet anymore)!!
They are even worse for acceptin!! Dhoni was given a land in his hometown in 2005 after a brilliant game(overlookin the widows & handicapped people), which the people demanded to takeback in 2007 after a disasterous game.
Ganguly(former indian captain) has a palacial house with 44 rooms & 23 cars - cant he donate the house & cars to those rickshaw people pushin carts strugglin for a meal/ livin?
& crack's what you were doin
When you were crackin jokes
There were awesome Tennis games too that season - did U know that Tennis is sexist...females dont get the trophy, only plate, they get paid half the amount the male players get...
In a rare gesture though, Switzerland govt gave their native Roger Federer a cow to honour him - that was so Au Natural !!
Federer also tried out a traditional one-legged Swiss milking stool in front of his new friend - Juliet, whose head was wreathed in garlands of mountain flowers. He performed her regular 5pm milking.

An old footballer of the 60's once said " Back then, U win the world cup, U get a gold fountain pen"