Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Women... The Original Creators

To be continued...


Karen Xavier said...

Oh shil, this is so funny... I can't wait for the continuation.

Zak said...

I dont want to comment

Dr Roshan Radhakrishnan said...

i just love this site..

Sona - quick picks/pick quicks said...

hey shils..luv ur name..icychips..can u guess who this is ??

Anonymous said...

Truth is, the person who posted the original blog is very close to the truth.

The womb of the universe is darkness and we all know everything starts in darkness.

Women at one time were able to create only XX chromosones which produced females. We self-reproduced.

The mutated XY chromosone produced the male.

The Y part of the male chromosone was originally an X. It did not fully develop and the result was a male with a broken chromosone, the Y.

A Y chromosone is nothingmore than an undeveloped X chromosone.

The birth of a male herald a new genetic being and has been documented via the "Virgin Mary mother of God", (should be Goddess) story. Women were all virgins until we created the male.

Virgin births were normal and not until we had an ab-normal birth of a male with Xy chromosones did we stop self- reproducing.

The son of the virgin became revered and worshipped. Then men started to multiply on the earth and subdue the original creatress.

Women have forgotten their power and history.

Science has now come out of the closet and admitted that females have both sperm and eggs in their gentic make-up!

So, bloggers know tht you are Goddesses' and creators of all life.
