Thursday, January 14, 2010

pEaceful Goodbye

When in dubai, meet anita, when in ngl/chennai - meet anju, kavitha, when in egypt meet naureen!! when not travel, bug them wit emails/text msgs/calls
thats my motto on how to keep in touch wit pals!!
So, Anita was to reach dubai on 27th nov & spend 3 days wit us - but she postpones & reaches on 2nd Dec at 12am & i am to leave at 6am, so being a true friend who knew the consequences of crossin me - she came straight to the hotel from the airport to meet me at 1am.
I felt like a teenager sneakin out (my hubby was sleepin like a log), carryin my sleepin baby, goin to meet her family. but those 10 minutes wit her was worth every second, gettin to meet her hubby for the 1st time & baby shreya.

Back home, there was this another event which took place a day after my weddin anniversary - yeah 7 yrs really - wow !! now, i feel like doin somethin about the 7 yr itch!! oh yeah - the event - my drivin license test - my 4th test. This was like my last ditch attempt after which, well... who knows, who cares - am just happy that I got it!!

Then came christmas!! We were informed that a Santa Clause would visit a store & distribute self bought gifts!! so i wait from 4-7pm only for him not to come!! was weird not seein even one santa that year, not even the thin puny types like in india!!

Here's to a spicy 2010!!

1 comment:

Karen Xavier said...

That's a good way to keep in touch with pals... spicy new year to you too. Though I feel weird wishing you now...
I like the whole sneaking out and meeting anita story, its cute.